Monday, October 20, 2008

School is Cool...

and Eric is corny...

But really, I think I'm starting to see that school really is cool. I know, I haven't posted in two weeks, and now I'm saying something like school is cool, you are thinking have I gone off my rocker? No, I haven't, at least I don't think so!

I've been working on mid term exams, had a computer science (CPSC) last week, marketing this week and math in a week or so. So I've been a little overwhelmed with school, studying for exams and doing assignments.

So the question becomes, why would I say school is cool? I say it because it is, I've gotten to the point where it's not so much fluff and more content, a higher SNR (signal to noise ratio) which I like. And you know what the crazy thing is? The longer I'm in school the more I realize I don't know. If I come out of school and pretend to know everything I give you full permission to kick me, because the more you learn in school the more you realize there is to learn. And a big part of what they are doing here is teaching you is how to learn more.

I used to rail against University because it was so impractical, they don't teach you skills that you can directly translate into the workplace. Well, that is true in many cases, but what they are showing you is how to come up with bigger and grander ideas, how to learn how things work, how to evaluate and prove ideas. Which is cool.

Now not every class is like that, some are still kind of mundane concepts and ideas that they try to pound into your head, and expect you to memorize for exams. But some of them are really great, specifically my math class. I know, I know, I've always kind of hated math or so it seemed. But the fact is I like math, I like it alot, it's such a practical, logical language, I've always hated the amount of work I have to do to be good at it. But with a few good professors, and taking a few courses more than once :-) I'm slowly getting better at it. And it appeals to me, because it teaches me how much I don't know!


PS: I had to write this down so I remember in the future when I'm tired of school and I've decided I don't like it anymore. Which should be now because I'm tired and worn out and in the middle of exams, but I still like it.

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