Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Scrooge of Halloween!

We didn't have any candies tonite for Halloween, I dressed up as Scrooge - No Candy for You! Fortunately for us, we also didn't have anyone stop by. It might've been the dog barking everytime she heard someone on our steps out front, or it might've been the actual steps (not safe at the best of times!)

Someday we'll do the Halloween thing, not because I believe in ghosts, ghouls or goblins. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings is about as close as I get to that stuff, but mostly because I think it'd be a lot of fun to build some kind of themed, automated Haunted House :-)

So. I'm feeling a tiny bit Emo tonite, I hope you can forgive me. Today was mid-term #1, Friday #2. This semester is limited in it's midterms (thank goodness), but still it makes me think. I love learning, there is just about nothing in the world I'd rather do, but I'm not sure I like school. It's odd, being in classes, learning to start a life that I feel I've already started. I know, I've done it bass-ackwards but still, it's harder going back then I expected. When I'm at work I'm where I am happiest (almost all of the time), when I'm at school I'm just sitting, listening, not doing anything. I enjoy learning, and, granted, there are lots of times I'm learning at school, but sometimes I feel like something is not right. So what to do....

I've already changed from a business major to computer science. That was definitely a step in the right direction, but is it right? I don't like learning without doing anything. I can read from a book all I want, listen to yet another theory lecture, but I'm at the point where I want to build, play, make. So where does that leave me?

School isn't going to be quick, I'm not going to give up, that's for sure, but it's going to take a while. My four year program might take five, but that's ok. (I need the time to learn the math!) That won't stop our lives. We are still going to SoCal next year (again!), we may be going to NY even, and who knows where else. Kids are coming, they can't wait too long! And we just need to enjoy our lives more. So what do we do?

Right now, that's the big question, we've spent so much time worrying about the future that we have, in some ways, missed out on life in the day to day. We need to figure that one out, and once we do I think we're set. Just how to do it is the question? That is to be seen....

We'll keep you filled in :-)

- E


Kirstin said...

That's very introspective of you. :) I think we understand where you're coming from. If you figure out any answers, let us know. :)

Kirstin said...

Don't forget that you're taking 200 and 300 level classes, where the norm really is just to be talked at. When you get into the upper level classes, they are far more discussion-based, where you have no choice but to be fully involved in what you are learning. :)