Monday, August 30, 2010


Holy crap, cats are an expensive proposition.  Our male tabby, Piper, decided that peeing was optional, and got all blocked up.  So what do they do?  They catheterize him, clear his system and flush his body with fluids.  Do you know how hard it is to catheterize a cat?  Do you know how expensive it is to catheterize a cat?  Then to keep him in medical care at a vet hospital?  We do...

It's a good thing we love our pets, because between the gourmet pet store foods, treats, fancy colors, litter that keeps the smell down they are expensive.  Though I suppose it's really only preparing us for kids.

They are the two sets of glowing eyes...
Fortunately there is stuff called pet insurance (or as I normally refer to it, vet insurance) which we will happily subscribe to now.  Good thing we really love our pets, even the cats.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Outdoors Work

I've been working really hard on my farmer tan. The last few days I've been outside stripping paint off the fences around the complex to help our condo building manager. It's just what the doctor ordered (I think, I didn't ask) because the sun, hard work (for a soft programmer like me), and satisfying results has really helped me feel better. I know I have lots more work to do around the house but so far this has really helped me get out of a slump. Apparently I'm doing such a good job that they figure I should drop off the condo board so that they could start paying me, not much, but as an appreciation of the effort put in.

So I'm getting a really good farmer tan, in fact I have a neck that is red as a lobster and a little sore.

I thought too I lost my phone today. Or that should say I was hoping I lost my phone today, as then I would have a really good excuse to buy a new one. Unfortunately I found it under the seat in the Jeep, which just happens to be a fairly typical place for it. Becky will be happy though as we have learned after a particularly busy day in the sun I can at times sleep right through the alarm, and not be at the hospital in time to pick her up. It only happened once, but she kindly reminds me to keep the phone by the bed now.

I was hoping to get a new iPhone, but the way Apple handled the reception issue turned me off. If Apple had said, "Oh, we F#@ed up" then I would say ok, it's a mistake, but all in all pretty good, but instead they said it's not our fault. I think maybe they are getting to big for their own britches, it was better when they had to try harder. That and I'm trying not to be too much of a fanboi of the company I used to mock... :-)

But now, it is time for me to get some real work (as in programming work) done.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On My Own...

I'm on my own again, taking a much needed break before heading back to school in the fall. I put my everything into what I do, and sometimes that unfortunately leads to burnout. Big time burnout.

I've been finding it hard to sit in front of the computer, to concentrate and focus on the things I need to get done, fortunately everyone has been pretty understanding so far, and slowly I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard when you work so hard and feel totally under-appreciated. I'm not someone who can put half in, I put all or nothing, and since I can't put my all in anymore, I had to switch to nothing for awhile.

My only solace (or consolation, or last kick in the ass) is that my old job will be replaced by someone who will be paid at very least more than me, to maybe even 33% more. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they won't be able to replace me, at least not in that price bracket. I've really got to learn to quit before it gets too late, I guess my loyalty and dedication can be both an asset and a critical flaw.

So now, I try and focus on life again, getting things in order, and going out to kick some ass. I know I can do it, I just got to get my feet under me. Fortunately I have a wife who is not only loving even though she can't always understand the stupid things I do, she will stick by me no matter what, even when I'm a horrible PITA. And that extends to a family who is always behind me, supporting us, and not saying I told you so when I didn't move on earlier.

All in all I think it'll be positive, I just need to get my focus and concentration back, and soon I'll be on top, ever better than before.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Sharp Architecture: An ISessionStorage has not been configured

A silly thing that one might miss while trying to setup a Sharp Architecture database test causing this error:

TestCase 'Example.BasicCategoryDBTests.CanGetAll'
failed: SharpArch.Core.PreconditionException : An ISessionStorage has not been configured
C:\MyStuff\Projects\SharpArchGitHub\src\SharpArch\SharpArch.Core\DesignByContract.cs(62,0): at SharpArch.Core.Check.Require(Boolean assertion, String message)
C:\MyStuff\Projects\SharpArchGitHub\src\SharpArch\SharpArch.Data\NHibernate\NHibernateSession.cs(174,0): at SharpArch.Data.NHibernate.NHibernateSession.CurrentFor(String factoryKey)
C:\MyStuff\Projects\SharpArchGitHub\src\SharpArch\SharpArch.Data\NHibernate\Repository.cs(32,0): at SharpArch.Data.NHibernate.RepositoryWithTypedId`2.get_Session()
C:\MyStuff\Projects\SharpArchGitHub\src\SharpArch\SharpArch.Data\NHibernate\Repository.cs(52,0): at SharpArch.Data.NHibernate.RepositoryWithTypedId`2.GetAll()

Don't forget, like I did, to inherit from DatabaseRepositoryTestsBase. Apparently I'm liking the ease of Sharp Architecture so much I'm forgetting to code properly, or it could be that it's Friday?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Blogger has suffered my non-posting for long enough, I may just move on to tumblr...
