Friday, September 19, 2008

University Library

So, this is my 5 or 6th semester of University, depending on whether you count the two courses I took in 2003. I'm not a big university person, to me it's really one of those necessary evils, I have to go to get my degree. I haven't done much university type stuff, being involved with anything, gone to a single frat party (which I'm sure are nothing like Animal House), or any of that. I'm really a very sad example of a university student.

One thing I do use a lot though is the University Library. I spend most of my in between class time here, reading, working, posting a long overdue blog post. About the only thing I don't do is read books, at all, ever. Haven't even cracked one open, and I've probably sat hours in this library.

I think my primary problem is that they don't have enough pictures - which I'm sure again would just describe how much I'm a sad university student. But it's true, I'm a very visual person, I like to see how things work, I like to see how things look, I remember so much better based on pictures then I do words. And if a book has both, well then! Now don't get me wrong, I'm an avid reader (or at least when it's not just textbooks), I've gone through my fair share of books - but never one from the University library.

But I'm here all the time, typically because I find somewhere that I like to sit, and it's so much quieter not listening to people walk by, and talk about their "like horrible" sociology class. My current sitting place is the 6th floor, Southwest corner, where I can watch them build the new Taylor Digital Library. Which I'm hoping will still have lots of nice quiet places to sit, but I'm not holding out on more books with pictures :-)

So, in case my Sis-in-law K is reading this, who I know has read at least 2 full floors of books out of this library and who may argue that there are books with pictures, I promise one day I will look at the books. But until then nobody steal my seat on Friday's 10:00 to 11:00 AM, because I kind of like it, but there is two seats, so if you want to discuss Danish made crane's and the latest XKCD, come join me.

PS > My wonderful wifey has a blog, but I don't know if she wants me to link to it yet, so I might in the near future, and you can read someone who is more eloquent and will probably post more often.


Peter and Lorraine said...

Hey, libraries are more than books! Some of my best study times in high school were in the uppper open area of the library - studying your dad!

Kirstin said...

I will utterly and voluntarily concede that the majority of university library books are boring, detailed-to-the-point-of-obtuseness, and far too subject-specific. I must prefer the Nosehill Public Library. :)