Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life is Crazy

Life has been crazy, really crazy. We've had our ups and downs and exams. Well, I've had exams, Becky got off easy in the exam department, though I think the amount of group projects they made her do was just as hard. We are both super tired though, and very much looking forward to a bit more of the less hectic life. I know it's Christmas and all, but I think that dealing with a mall of crazy people might actually be easier than all this exam studying stuff.

I've written one exam so far, the Math one, the dreaded Math one. It was hard, so much stuff to know, and so much stuff to put together. I have a hard time with memorization, so definitions and the like always make it a bit harder. And this Math course had a fair number of definitions. I swear, when we have kids I'm going to make them do double math homework, simply because then I hope they'll be good at it, or better at it than I am.

In ~40 minutes I have a Computer Science exam, which in this case is pretty much like the Math exam except I have to remember about heaps, binary trees, red-black trees, queues, the like. Not really hard, but I normally live with a reference close at hand, so I don't usually memorize every in and out of each implementation. But if I tell you that the worst case possibility of my finding a gift for you is T(n) = O(n^2) then you know that I'm still thinking CPSC.

But that's all, I just have to make it through the exam and then tonite I can relax for a bit. My next exam isn't until next Monday, so I can breathe for a few minutes, and maybe do something else. Which probably will be look at Christmas lights with Becky and Keira-munster and then watch a movie. Man I look forward to that. And sleep, a bit more sleep, and only having to go to work tomorrow.

I have big plans for the holidays, besides our trip to Vegas, which will be awesome, I am also planning on doing some stuff around the house. One of which is clean the basement a bit more so that I can keep working. I haven't lifted a hammer since we started the semester, so if I hold my nose right, I might actually get to do a bit more work. I'm hoping so at least.

Also, I'm hoping to organize a few things at home, so that we can backup our laptops, and we have access to our pictures, videos and music from a central location. We'll see how it goes though, because I'd like to upgrade the Media PC as well to a more power efficient and faster model, but with school and work that might be outside of the budget until the summer. Also, we need to run wires into Chris' room so that we don't have a patch cable across the floor of the hallway, that and Kev and Chris might want cable in their rooms as well when we change our plan around to include full cable (we really miss having the movie channels).

So, here is to one more exam down and one more to go! Soon it'll all be done.


PS> I mentioned how crazy life is without even mentioning once the craziness of Canadian politics right now, which is what I think about when I'm not doing Math or CPSC.

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