Friday, December 02, 2005

Wow I suck at blogging!

I suck at blogging, why? Because I don't stick to it. The last two weeks have been crazy, I feel like I haven't hardly slept at all. Christmas shopping is coming and I don't like crowds. Winter is here, and I don't like cold! Why do we live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada? What part of us is sadistic that wants to put up with this harsh climate? Why can't we live in nice warm sunny California! Why, Why, Why???? (Stanford is nice warm sunny California, I hear they have a good Comp Sci program :-))

Ok, so maybe I am good at blogging, complaining about things that I can't change to people (all 3 people) who don't really care that I don't like winter :-)

One cool thing about winter though, people get to do stuff like this:


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