Monday, November 21, 2005

So, I need to post...

I haven't posted since Saturday, which is bad. I am trying to keep this up and the rate I'm going I'm not going too! Therefore I'm going to post again.

I put up Christmas lights on Sunday, they look really nice. I will take a picture and put them up maybe tomorrow. Also, I was able to work from home part of today, which is part of a new arrangement at work. I think it'll work well, cut down on gas and driving time.

Tonite Becky invited over future employees of Solarbotics. It's fun showing people around, and as they are moving from Oregon, comparing some of the similarities and differences. It was a lot of fun.

Missed Corner Gas though, but that's ok as we almost never actually get to see it. I guess that just means less times we've seen the re-runs.

But that's it for me, I have a killer headache, and I'm going to join Becky who also has a killer headache, and we will be miserable together.


1 comment:

Brent said...

Hey's been over a week!