Sunday, March 29, 2009

Logging Layout

So, Brent and I have been passing around ideas on a future logging layout in the basement. We've been trying to figure out how to have the right balance of scenery, track, interest. And not to mention figuring out how to make the space work for multi-family uses. Not that the family accounts for much more than 2 cats, 1 dog, 5 "sometimes" adults (the 5th one is not always here, but she makes good suppers!).

So we are working out how to allow ourselves a good amount of run in a 10x14' space that can really only be used around the walls. We tried a square type walkaround (as in walk all the way around, glorified table) but that got poo-pooed by the planning regulator. I was wrong that it's only slightly larger than a 4x8.

So we are working around the walls. Hopefully figuring out a nice way of building a layout that is above any other required uses of the space and well out of reach of small fingers, and allows those small fingers to store their toys underneath. One plan we both liked was the CVR plan by Ron Newby. Especially the switch back for the Okanogan Lumber Company, so we are thinking of ways we can work that in.

So, between homework I'm hoping we can get a good handle on this so that by sometime in the summer when I finally get the basement finished we can start building.

BTW - I used Paint.Net for the image, because I don't have Photoshop on this machine again. Very useful, and very lightweight.



Peter and Lorraine said...

What good news - working on your dream layout again! AND allowing for little fingers! Excellent! AND that there is a welcomed cook around every once in while helping out and teaching her "man to be" how to cook too! Sounds like a contented household!

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