Wednesday, November 16, 2005

More Wisdumb (Less spelling mistakes!)

So, simply because I posted the link to Google Analytics their site went down. I guess so many people signed up simply because they read about it on my blog that they crashed! Well, I'll just have to remember that, my promotion could be quite damaging! (If only this were true!)

But, never-the-less, I do have one fan, my brother. He can't live without reading my blog. Sure he's probably the only one of two (my middle brother is also reading this). So two readers!!

And now my wisdumb for the day; I think humans should come with Intellisense while talking. While trying to explain the benefits of dedicated servers today I could have easily used the automatic selection of the right words. Additionally, a syntax check would've helped as well; I better stick to the tech support and leave the sales to the real pros! For those of you who do not yet know what Intellisense is check this out. Well, computer is on it's way to being rebuilt, and the washing machine is no longer leaking. Tonight I may just sleep better.

Cheers, Eric

PS: No more spelling mistakes, wisdomb wisdumb is correct, it’s my way of saying something smart which is actually not all that smart. One of those blogging things you know? :-)

PPS: Spelling wisdumb like 'wisdomb' is not going to help me get this word into regular use, that's just dumb...

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